Wheatgrass Juice contains vitamins B, C, E, and carotene (Vitamin A). We need Vitamin A to prevent weak or brittle bones, night blindness, and dry skin. Vitamin A is needed for good eyesight, normal growth and reproduction. Vitamin B is the anti-stress vitamin. The more stress we are under the more of this vitamin is needed. Vitamin B helps the digestive system, the adrenal glands and is essential for normal brain and body formation. Vitamin C is important for the health of the skin, teeth, gums, eyes, muscles and joints. Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant, prevents muscle degeneration, sterility, slow healing of wounds and infections and helps the heart. The Vitamin E in Wheatgrass Juice is 10 times more easily assimilated by the body than synthetic Vitamin E.Minerals. Mineral salts are basic to all organic life. The electrical currents of life transfer through Organic minerals (minerals from plants). Organic minerals regulate the elimination and blood-building functions of the body. If you take inorganic minerals (those available in pill form) , you need 10-20 times more , risking an overload, upsetting your internal balance.These minerals are not found in any one single source. That is why we go to great extremes and cost to add minerals to our Genesis Wheatgrass Soil. We have selected minerals from Volcanoes from New Mexico, ancient sea beds from Southeast Texas and Florida, kelp from the North Seas and earthworm castings. We would never grow Wheatgrass in only compost. " If its' not in the soil, it's not in the grass."When someone tells me they grow Wheatgrass in organic compost, my first thought is who's compost mine or yours, or John's or Sam's? All these composts would have a different mineral content. Some minerals could have been leached out during the composting process. Some add peat moss which have virtually no nutrients. The U.S. Senate Document # 264 in 1936 showed that 12 growing seasons would deplete most nutrients from the soil. It concerns me when I hear of someone growing Wheatgrass in only composted Wheatgrass mats. Each cycle of growing Wheatgrass, cutting the Wheatgrass, composting the Wheatgrass mats, with no minerals being added back, the Wheatgrass becomes less and less nutritional, indicated by a Bitter tasting Wheatgrass, thin blades, and a pale green color. Wheatgrass grown in a highly mineralized soil 1. is a good source of calcium. Calcium cannot be used properly if other trace minerals are not present. Plants such as Wheatgrass Juice and other live foods, have the trace minerals present to make the calcium absorbed by the body. Even though spinach, beet greens, and chard have more calcium than Wheatgrass, the presence of oxalic acid binds the calcium making it unusable by the body. 2. is a good source of iron. Iron is needed for red blood formation. Inorganic iron can cause constipation, The iron in Wheatgrass Juice has no side effects. Wheatgrass has an abundance of magnesium, potassium and calcium. These minerals maintain the pH of the blood. Alkaline minerals must neutralize the acids from metabolism in order to maintain healthy bones and teeth and build our immunity against colds and other illnesses. Normal blood contains five grams of sodium per pint. Sodium aids digestion, elimination and regulates the fluids in our cells. Americans eat too much sodium in shape of table salt. Wheatgrass Juice has a safe amount of sodium for even people on a low salt diet. 3. contains all known mineral elements including selenium and zinc.If your Wheatgrass is bitter, not sweet, its not grown in "Genesis" Wheatgrass Soil.Amino Acids A deficiency of just one amino acid can result in allergies, low energy, sluggish digestion, poor resistance to infection, and premature aging. Wheatgrass Juice contains 17 amino acids, lysine, isoleucine, tryptophane, phenylalanine, threonine valine, methionine, alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, proline, serine, and tyrosine.MSM MSM is a sulfur bearing molecule found in all living organisms destroyed in processed food. It helps our body use vitamins, help to reduce allergies, helps detoxify the body and increase oxygen, and helps take out inflammation. Our habit of processing everything we eat not only destroys some of the vitamins but totally destroys 100% of the enzymes. Enzymes are also destroyed by drying. Enzymes found in Wheatgrass Juice help detoxify the pollutants inside us and help with digestion. The most important enzymes isolated from Wheatgrass Juice are: 1. cytochrome oxidase, an antioxidant required for proper cell respiration 2. lipase, a fat splitting enzyme 3. protease, a protein digestant 4. amylase, which facilitates starch digestion 5.catalase, which catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen in the blood and tissues. 6. transhydrogenase, an enzyme which aids in keeping the muscle tissue of the heart tone 7. superoxide dismutase (SOD) Clinical trials show that SOD can help protect us from cell damage due to superoxides, infections, aging, radiation, and poisoning from bad air, bad food, and drugs. Wheatgrass is a superior source of SOD.Chlorophyll and Oxygen Wheatgrass is 70% chlorophyll (the green part of the plant). Dr. G.H. Earp Thomas, scientific researcher, considers Wheatgrass chlorophyll "the richest nutritional liquid known to man." Chapter 3 of The Wheatgrass Book by Ann Wigmore ,includes evidence of the blood cleansing and building abilities of chlorophyll, its effect on the circulatory system and oxygen supply, and its role in detoxifying and regenerating the liver.HOW EASY IS IT TO GROW? With a small initial capital outlay, and a little on-going effort in tending your crop, you can grow trays of wheatgrass very easily. It is one of those habits that's easy, once you know how, and you've experimented a few times! There are 2 mediums in which to grow wheatgrass - using soil or hydroponically (using water). Traditionally, wheatgrass, like any plant, is best grown in soil. The nutrient levels are slightly reduced by growing in water, but this method is convenient for those people who cannot make compost, etc. in a garden, and those who just want to keep the growing really simple. You can try both methods, and choose which suits your own circumstances best. Growing instructions are included with the kits, which provide the ingredients for a minimum of 4 trays. ARE WE REALLY SO UNHEALTHY?Two of the most salutary trends in modern nutrition are the malnutrition of affluent society and mass dehydration - both lead to poor health. We are increasingly dependent on refined foods, low quality, mass produced meat, fruit and vegetables. We are subject to massive media exposure of the high sugar drinks and fast food outlets. There is an increasing need to add fertilisers to improve yields from impoverished soil, and to use of growth hormones and antibiotics in the production of meat. Other factors - such as the tight margins demanded by supermarket giants - all conspire to reduce the nutritional value of our foods. The poor quality of our tap water does little to encourage us to drink the recommended daily quota. Our reliance on high energy sugar drinks and stimulants, such as tea and coffee, combine to dehydrate our systems still further. The results can include a reduction in the efficiency of our immune systems, a lowering of reserves through the poor nutrient content of our diet and a propensity to infections . . .IT'S NOT ALL DOOM AND GLOOM, HOWEVER . . .An increase in the public's awareness of these issues has led to an enormous increase in the consumption of organic foods, a suspicion of GMO foods, the on-going call for adequate food labelling and increased use of water purification. Alongside the quantum leaps in our understanding of the importance of living foods and the factors that have led to the deterioration in the quality of our food, come the welcome proliferation of the juice bar, the complementary health clinic, and the local wholefood shop. An organic, freshly prepared juice in a gym or juice bar may cost £3 or more, but an increasing number of people are looking for ways to boost their intake of fresh organic nutrients and of pure water AT HOME. What is it about wheatgrass, that leads it to feature on the menus of fashionable juice bars, to help increasing numbers of people in their fight against cancer, to boost the immune system, and to be an important element in most detox programmes?
Steve Meyerowitz, known as Sproutman in the US, describes wheatgrass as "a sunshine transfusion" Dr Ann Wigmore healed her gangrenous legs with it in the 1970's and later ran the Boston marathon; and our own Living Foods expert, Elaine Bruce, who was a student of the late Ann Wigmore, describes it as an essential ingredient of the Living Foods Programme.Click Here for a Printer Friendly Fact Sheet on Wheatgrass & The Wheatgrass Starter Kit SO . . . WHY DRINK WHEATGRASS JUICE?Wheatgrass earned its reputation from people with terminal illnesses, who took it at the eleventh hour after conventional medicine left them with no hope. In the 1970s, Dr Ann Wigmore opened the Hippocrates Health Institute, in Boston, nourishing terminally ill patients back to health with fresh squeezed wheatgrass. Dr Charles F Schnabel (1895 - 1974) chemist and agriculturalist, knew from his work with his farm animals and his research in the laboratory, that wheatgrass boosts nutrition, builds good blood and strengthens immunity. More recently, there are many studies demonstrating the efficacy and nutrition of grass foods, using both clinical evidence and testimonials. In the US there are numerous healing centres, where wheatgrass plays a key role in the diet. There are courses run in the UK by proponents of wheatgrass and raw, living foods. Wheatgrass has long been used like a herbal medicine - for its therapeutic and nutritional properties. Although wheat is the most popular, barley, oats and rye are equally potent.So what's it good for?Blood purification, Liver detoxification, Colon cleansing. As a food Wheatgrass is very nourishing and restorative with a complete range of nutrients. Therapeutically, the fresh juice can be drunk or applied rectally using a enema implant. For disease prevention, you can make powdered drinks, take it in tablet or capsule form, or drink the fresh juice as part of a long term health maintenance programme. For those with an intolerance to gluten, do not be put off . . . The grain metamorphoses completely into a vegetable, with none of the allergic proteins common to the glutenous grains.". . . our food is our medicine and our medicine is our food" - Hippocrates, the father of medicine.It has long been established that the best medicine is a whole, natural food. All known nutrients were found in concentrated form in wheatgrass, including what are now known as phytochemicals. Also anti-oxidants, enzymes, 20 amino acids, vitamins including: folic acid, calcium, zinc, selenium, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, potassium, and cellular RNA and DNA. Similar natural superfoods containing a broad spectrum of concentrated nutrients are bee pollen, spirulina, chlorella and blue green algae. They all provide the raw materials from which the body manufactures what it needs and balances its own chemistry. Grasses, along with alfalfa and these algae, are the richest sources of chlorophyll on the planet. Green plant cells are the only cells capable of absorbing the energy of the sun. The famous research scientist E. Bircher called chlorophyll "concentrated sunpower - it increases the functions of the heart, improves the vascular system, the intestines, the uterus and the lungs. It raises the basic nitrogen exchange and is therefore a tonic which, considering its stimulating properties cannot be compared with any other". The amount of juice you drink is totally up to you.Steve Meyerowitz says "Grass is non-toxic in any dose, but you may react to the results of its detoxifying power. All grass is a powerful purgative for the liver, and too much can release too many poisons too quickly". EXPERIMENT! Start with small quantities. It can be mixed with other juices or taken neat. Notice the effects of a daily 1oz shot! Remember - it's concentrated sunpower! Rocket fuel! Greenpower! Living food! Whatever it becomes for you . . . have fun! If you have time let us know how you get on.
The Wheatgrass seeds we sell are also grown
on the fertile farm land of West Lancashire. It is harvested
when it as ripened in the hot summer sun! It is then
pre-cleaned and if needed dried to a moisture content
of 14%. When the seed are wanted they are put though
a cleaner were the dust is removed and the Wheatgrass
seed is then sifted. The whole Wheat grains are then
packed in bags ready to be shipped.
2kg = £11.00 FREE Delivery.
10kg = £14.50 FREE Delivery.
20kg = £18.50 FREE Delivery.
Grass Seeds
The Barley we sell is also grown on the fertile
farm land of West Lancashire. It is harvested when it
as ripened in the hot summer sun!. It is then pre-cleaned
and if needed dried to a moisture content of 14%. This
Barley is also a winter variety. When the barley is
wanted it is put though a cleaner were the dust is removed
and the barley is then sifted. The whole barley grains
are then packed in bags ready to be shipped.
2kg = £11.00 FREE Delivery.
10kg = £14.50 FREE Delivery.
20kg = £18.50 FREE Delivery.
![oatgrass seeds](wheatgrass_images/oatgrass_seeds.jpg)
Grass Seeds
The Oats we sell is also grown on the fertile
farm land of West Lancashire. They are then pre-cleaned
and if needed dried to a moisture content of 14%. Then
they are stored in large bins. The whole oat grains
are packed in bags ready to be shipped.
2kg = £11.00 FREE Delivery.
10kg = £14.50 FREE Delivery.
20kg = £18.50 FREE Delivery.
This Rye is pre-cleaned and if needed dried
to a moisture content of 14%. Then it is stored in large
bins. When the wheat is wanted it is put though a cleaner
were the dust is removed and the wheat is sifted. The
whole wheat grains are then packed in bags ready to
be shipped.
2kg = £11.00 FREE Delivery.
10kg = £14.50 FREE Delivery.
20kg = £18.50 FREE Delivery.
Please contact us for a quote on large or bulk orders
If you already have a juicer that will juice
grasses, then the Deluxe Growing Kit is everything you need to grow healthy
thick-bladed wheatgrass, barleygrass, and sunflower greens (delicious in salads).
Perfect for growing grasses even in small kitchens or apartments. Each kit
comes with simple easy to follow growing and harvesting instructions that
will have you juicing healthy super-nutritious juice within ten days! To insure
the highest possible mineral content and grass yield, we have included Organic
Forrest Compost and Azomite, a natural mineral additive that insures that
your grass contains all of the trace minerals required by the human body for
maximum health. Shipping Weight 52 POUNDS! Each Kit Includes: 10 21''x10''
Growing Trays These durable black growing trays can be reused over and over
again. Drain holes and easy portable size make these trays perfect for growing
wheatgrass even in your own kitchen. Each tray of wheatgrass will yield 14
to 18 ounces of juice. 5 bags (5 lbs) ORGANIC Wheatgrass Seed Each bag of
seed is pre-measured to give the perfect grass density in the 21"x10" growing
trays 5 Measured bags Barleygrass Seed Each bag of seed is pre-measured to
give the perfect grass density in the 21"x10" growing trays 5 Measured bags
Sunflower Seed Each bag of seed is pre-measured to give the perfect sprout
density in the 21"x10" growing trays 6 Bags Organic Growing Mix. Forest Based
Compost, Completely Animal Free! Enough soil to grow 15-17 flats of wheatgrass,
barleygrass or sunflower greens. The mix is rich in minerals. This compost
soil will provide clean growing medium for beautiful green grass. Compost
your spent soil flat and use it over and over. Supply of Azomite Azomite has
67 major and trace elements, so its name means "A to Z Of Minerals Including
Trace Elements." Typical analysis shows every element that's beneficial to
plants and animals, and other elements (micro-nutrients) scientists believe
essential. "Wheatgrass Nature's Finest Medicine" by Steve Meyerowitz The complete
guide to using grass foods, and juices to revitalize your health. Everything
you need to know about wheatgrass and it's miracle cures. Growing and Juicing
Instructions Free growing technical support by email support@wheatgrasskits.com
ONLY $62.95 You can use
this wheat for , too!
Recipe Method
Soak wheatgrass seeds in water for 8 to 12 hours. Get a jam jar or pickling
jar, put drained and rinsed wheat in it, cover lid with nylon net or part
of an old stocking, secure with a rubber band. Twice a day, rinse (cover with
cool water, swirl around, dump out). In 2 to 3 days, a small sprout will appear.
Refrigerate at this point. Can eat raw, in salads, on sandwiches, or alone,
or cook about 5 minutes, use in bread, or cook and eat plain or with rice.
Has a slightly sweet, nutty flavour
Sprouts are a good way to add variety to your product line, and to extend
the season for fresh vegetables. They're easy to grow with a minimum of equipment
and facilities. Traditional sprouts are usually the small seeds like alfalfa,
clover, etc. and small seed mixes. A new trend is crunchy bean mixes that
can include peas, lentil adzuki beans, mung beans, chickpeas etc. They can
be sprouted in a similar manner to the small seeds, but require less time
and yield less. Mung beans grown for Chinese bean sprouts need special techniques,
beyond the scope of this article. Shoots or wheatgrass type products are usually
grown in soil, though they may be grown in bare trays with more care. Seeds
like sunflowers, buckwheat, some pea varieties, Daikon radish, garden cress,
and grains are used for this. SANITATION - Important Use clean seed, tested
for salmonella and e-coli contamination. Sanitize equipment, and use items
that don't have crevices or scratches that are hard to clean. Don't let sprouts
or seed come in contact with manure, etc. that may have bacterial contamination.
Hands and equipment must be clean at all times for handling sprouts. Water
should be clean potable water, tested for bacterial contamination. NEW INFORMATION
- US EPA has approved 2% chlorine from calcium hypochlorite as a seed sanitation
method before sprouting. Tests have shown no residual chlorine on finished
sprouts (Dr. Rob Wick, Sprouters Journal of the the ISGA, Spring, 1999). Proportions
are 85g (3oz) calcium hypochlorite in 3.75 liters (1 gal.) warm water. Mix
thoroughly, and soak the seed for 20 minutes. Rinse seed thoroughly in clean
water then finish soaking time in clean water. Avoid breathing the fumes of
the chlorine - masks are available that will filter out the fumes if you must
do this a lot. This is a last resort, for commercial sprouters only, in my
opinion. TRADITIONAL SPROUTS To sprout 250g (8 oz) seed you will need: - 2
to 3 clean 16 liter (4 US gallon) plastic pails with good flat lids (translucent
plastic preferred) - room or closet with dependable temperature (18-24C, 65-75
F) - dark colored nylon wedding veil material (tulle) or other fine netting
to generously cover pails - bungee cords with hooks to hold netting firmly
over pails. The sprouts need: -humid, not wet, conditions -air circulation
-steady temperature -light for greening (never direct sunlight) WASH - Wash
seeds thoroughly with cool water. Add enough water to cover and work through
seeds. Add more water, agitate, and pour off floating debris. Cover pail with
netting and bungee cord, hold at a slant over drain and flush with water from
a hose until water is clear. Alternatively, add water, stir, and drain until
water is clean. SOAK- Soak the seeds for 5-8 hours in cool water and drain.
Don't let the seeds sit in a warm "soup"; change the water a time or two,
or have a slow trickle of fresh water through the soaking container,. Rinse
and drain thoroughly. Lay pail on a slant for 5 to 20 minutes to drain, then
rotate 1/4 turn and let drain again. DIVIDE- Divide the seed into more pails
as necessary during sprouting. The larger the quantity of seed in one container,
the more frequent the rinsing must be. This prevents heat build-up. Cover
the pails with the lids between rinsing leaving a small crack for ventilation.
RINSE- Rinse the sprouts at least 3 times a day with cold water (first thing
in the morning and last at night are important). Break up sprout clumps by
hand while rinsing. Large amounts of sprouts have a tendency to heat in the
middle if not rinsed often enough (especially in summer). Cover pails with
netting held in place by bungee cords. Let pail stay on side for 5 to 20 minutes
to drain, then rotate 1/4 turn, and let drain again. Stand the pails up and
cover them with the lids between rinsing. Leave a small crack for ventilation.
CLEAN & GREEN- About the third day, before rinsing, remove the hulls and hard
seed from the bottom of the sprout mass. Skim the hulls from the top of the
water when rinsing. Replace the screen and bungee, then cover pails with a
transparent lid to allow greening from either artificial or indirect natural
light. Polyethylene sheeting, plastic, or glass will work for this. STORE-
Use room temperature water for the last rinsing. Drain extremely well and
let sprouts sit until internal heat has dried them well (7-10 hours depending
on batch size and room temperature). Transfer to clean pails and cover with
slight ventilation at fridge temperature. Do not use poly bags or similar
for extended storage. OPTIONS AND HINTS -Use Hydrogen Peroxide 3% at 50ml
to 4 liters or 1/8 cup to a gallon of water to soak seed, for final rinse,
or stronger for cleaning equipment, especially if you have mold or rot problems.
You may wish to clean all equipment with bleach on a regular basis. -Add faster
sprouting seeds such as radish (washed and soaked) on the 3rd day for mixes
with red clover or alfalfa. -A hose attachment for your tap is useful for
rinsing and agitating. -Coarser nylon wedding veil material may be useful
after 2 or 3 days to help rinse out debris. -Alfalfa and red clover should
take 5-7 days, depending on temperature. -Soak water from alfalfa stains everything
yellow. Dispose of carefully and wipe up spills immediately. -Sprouts can't
stand to sit in water, either during sprouting or storage. -You can also use
a laundry tub, with a homemade screen outlet, for sprouting. Experiment and
develop your own variations. SOIL SPROUTING (for wheatgrass, buckwheat, sunflowers,
peas, etc.) Fill pots, trays, or other containers (with drainage) 1/2 to 2/3
full of soil, compost, or potting mix. Ensure that the growing medium doesn't
contain artificial fertilizers or chemicals. The soil can be very shallow
if preferred. Soak wheat, peas, or other grains 8 hr., buckwheat or sunflowers
12-18 hr., and spread on the soil surface just touching. Water the soil well
and cover with plastic with one side left slightly loose for ventilation.
Mist or sprinkle daily; uncover after three days. Put the container(s) in
sunlight or bright light for 5-8 days, until the crop is 5-6" tall. Keep growing
medium moist. Cut as needed, but before plants become too old and tough. Options
and Hints -Wheatgrass may be left for a smaller second crop. Buckwheat peas
and sunflowers cut only once. -Spent soil and roots can be composted, fed
to earthworms, or dug into the soil. -These crops can also be grown in baskets
or tray type sprouters. Baskets may be more difficult to sanitize. MARKETING
TIPS Concentrate on supplying greens or sprouts that aren't available locally,
or that aren't available organically grown. Always strive to have fresher
sprouts than the competition.